Kid Bucks game show transforms into Bat Bucks for the Halloween season.
This show screams Halloween.The money chamber is decorated as a belfry. The “bucks” are “Bat Bucks”, and have a large bat on them. As the Bat Bucks swirl about the chamber a strobe light is cast upon them creating a dazzling display of Bats flying in the belfry.
The winners wheel is decorated as large spider web and is referred to as the “winners web”. All of the games have a Halloween theme or twist to them. The raffle balls used to select contestants are plucked from a bubbling and brewing witches cauldron, even the host and Co-host are clad in Halloween themed attire. Popular seasonal music underscores the mood.
Some of the songs include the Monster Mash, Thriller and the theme songs from the movies: Halloween, Friday the 13th, Ghost Busters and Nightmare on Elm Street.
This production is a sensational brew of spookiness, comedy, audience participation, fun, and suspense, that will leave your audience howling with laughter and screaming with delight.